i A Reader Writes... CSCOPE is the Root of All Evil (Part 1:1) - Lead Your School

In response to the 2/12/13 post, “It Seems That CSCOPE is the Root of All Evil (Part 1 of 4),” a reader writes:


I completely agree with your reasoning but your case is seriously undermined with the disconnect between “sounds like” and “spells like” [“emphasizing” sort of sounds like “empathizing” but is not interchangeable – same for “unattended” and “unintended”]. You’re ideas are great – maybe get an editor, though.

SC Response First, I’m glad you see the logic in my argument.  The fact that you agree with the logic is just a bonus.

Second, I also agree the typos are at best a distracter and at worse discredit the argument.  However, the reality of writing a daily blog is that typos will slip thru. An editor is not an option, so I have to rely on my eyes (difficult when your brain knows what you intended to write) and spelling and grammar checking tools (which basically are a 93% solution).

And if you catch a grievous error, drop me a line (like you did) and I’ll fix the mistake on the blog site.  I appreciate your careful reading.

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