i A Reader Writes - Pretty Lies and Powerful Truths - Part 6 - Lead Your School

In response to the 10/31/2012 post, “Pretty Lies and Powerful Truths – Part 3,” a reader writes:


Friedman designed Chile’s universal voucher system for General Pinochet; it’s been going on for 30 years now. Results: higher income kids took the vouchers to private schools. Lower income kids stayed in public schools, which got worse as funding decreased. Yes, let’s listen to Friedman.

I suggest reading the article “Lessons of Chile’s Voucher Reform Movement,” by Martin Camoy.


SC Response A very good article that is worth your time.  It can be summarized with the following quote:

“The primary negative effect of school choice (vouchers) is its natural tendency to increase the educational gap between the privileged and the underprivileged,” John Ambler, referring to voucher plans in Britain, France, and the Netherlands, wrote in the “Journal of Policy Analysis and Management” (1994).

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