i Top LYS Tweets from the Week of November 13th, 2011 - Lead Your School

And we’re back…. I hope everyone had a restful holiday. While we were gone, an LYS Teacher asked: SC, Do you have an electronic version of the Fundamental 5 lesson plan template? I would love to have it to type up and save versus copying and writing.SC Response Completely in line our advocacy of use of bootleg technology in schools, The Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan Template is now available at the Apple App Store. The tool even maps the rigor and relevance of your planned lesson. Yes, it’s that cool. Just go to the app store and search for ‘Fun 5 Plans’. If you don’t have an I-Pad or an I-phone, a desktop version and an android app version are in the works. A number of you in the LYS Nation are now using your own bootleg technology devices to follow Twitter. If you haven’t done so yet, we want you to join us. To let you see what you are missing, here are the Top 10 LYS Tweets from the week of November 13th, 2011, as tabulated by the accountants at Price Waterhouse. 1. All things being equal, A System will invariably win out over No System. 2. Rigor has little to do with your lecture and everything to do with student response and product. 3. (The Fundamental 5) Great read full of sound advice. (By @kimbarker25) 4. I advocate a merit-based system for parking spaces. Those who get to work first merit the best spots. 5. When it comes to doling out parking spaces, why does the office staff always outrank the teaching staff? 6. Awesome “Frame the Lesson” teacher quote: I am their mental filter. 7. Technology is just a tool. Assessment is just a tool. Pedagogy is the vehicle for understanding. Content lines the road. (By @doctorjeff) 8. Dear State Leader: School funding is broken yet you continue to pit good Texans against one another by framing it as “rich” v. “poor.” (By @tlonganecker) 9. Is this not contradictory? “There is no screening.” And, “We require all students to submit application for consideration.” (By @tlonganecker) 10. If you come to a training session late, without something to write on and/or write with, can you really get upset with students who do the same? Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/4ydqd4t
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation
  • Get the Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan App at the App Store – Fun 5 Plans
  • Confirmed 2012 Presentations: Region 16 ESC Leadership Academy (Keynote Address); NASSP Conference; NASB Conference