
I want you to know that I look forward each day to all the LYS comments and your replies. All the discussion is quite motivating, and I am fortunate to teach in a school where my principal does do what is best for students. It is very refreshing after working in the Texas education system for 29 years. I had another principal a number of years ago who was quite similar.

The point of my e-mail is to let you know that all your comments are very motivating to me and get me excited about being a teacher, even when times are tough! You may think it’s odd, but I look forward to opening the LYS e-mail each day. It is just like looking forward to one of my favorite TV shows or the daily crossword puzzle in the newspaper!

Thank you!”

SC Response
You just rocketed into the Top 10 for the best comment ever. Seriously, thank you very much. Writing the blog has been a very rewarding experience. What started out as a way to keep the old school LYS crew in the loop on what problems we were facing and the solutions that we were trying to implement has turned into a vibrant network of forward thinking educators that may not always agree, but do run at full speed.

You say that you look forward to the e-mails, well so do I. As the early readers have sensed, I lost control of the topics a couple of months ago. The topics are now driven by the LYS nation. Now I get up wondering, “What are we going to talk about today?”

I don’t know where we are going, but it has already been one heck of a ride. Maybe, as Collins writes, this is a simple a case of “getting the right people on the bus and let them tell you where you are going,” in the digital age.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…


Just Measure It

A lot of the school leaders and educators that I work with are new to concept of constant, incremental growth. …