On Sunday’s I’ve been sharing advice I’ve received over the years that I have found useful. Not all of that advice has been good. In fact some of it, even though it was given in good faith, has been absolutely horrible. Here is some bad advice, given to me by a well intentioned boss. In fact, for three straight annual appraisals, it was what I was supposed to “work” on.

“Be patient.”

The problem with this advice is that it makes it easier on adults, which was my boss’s desire, but it destroys kids. Everyday I wait to become a better teacher, coach, and/or leader, means that some kid is falling further and further behind. The only way I can look myself in the mirror is to be impatient.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…


Uncle Mike’s Advice

Last week LYS trained over 400 campus leaders on the PowerWalks observation system. Every trainee was diligent, attentive and earnest.…