i Top LYS Tweets - January 26, 2021 - Lead Your School

Lead Your School represents a cadre of educators from across the country that are driven to maximize student opportunities and to lead the profession by example and action. @LYSNation is one way to share information, ideas, and reflections with those incredible teachers and school leaders. These are the Top 10 tweets shared in the past week.


  1. Vouchers divert your tax dollars from your public schools to fund private & religious schools you do not own, have no authority over, and whose belief may violate yours, whether Catholic, Baptist, Muslim or Wiccan. (By @pastors4txkids)


  1. Vouchers don’t help poor children. They never cover the cost of private schools. Rather, they subsidize private education for the affluent. They transfer wealth from the poor to the rich. (By @pastors4txkids)


  1. Everyone wants kids in school, face to face. EVERYONE. We can all see how ESSENTIAL our teachers AND brick and mortar schools are now. Fully opening schools can be done safely after: 1) Controlling community-wide spread -OR- 2) Vaccinating the adults in the schools. (By @Pastors4OKkids)


  1. Never is evil so insidious as when it masquerades as good. (By @pastors4txkids)


  1. Danger of ingratitude: Ingratitude has little room for others because the world revolves around its own troubles, disappointments, and resentments. (By @Leadershipfreak)


  1. Teachers and support staff in schools should be fully vaccinated before they’re expected to return to in-person instruction. Doing otherwise is wrong and unjust to teachers nationwide. (By @VinGuptaMD)


  1. If you’re negative, you give your team permission to be negative. If you gossip, they gossip. If you approach practice with a positive attitude and enthusiasm you will impact their attitude and enthusiasm. Leaders define culture. Lead intentionally. (By @dw_dwr)


  1. The ability to distinguish between work that truly matters and busy work maximizes effectiveness. (By @Leadershipfreak


  1. The value of learning is greater when we share what we learn. (By @simonsinek)


  1. Your first commitment is the team. Individual concerns come after organizational advantage. Teams fail when members refuse to help each other succeed. (By @Leadershipfreak)


Lead Your School and Wash Your Hands!

Your turn…

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