i Top Tweets - July 20, 2020 - Lead Your School

Lead Your School represents a cadre of educators from across the country that are driven to maximize student opportunities and to lead the profession by example and action. @LYSNation is one way to share information, ideas, and reflections with those incredible teachers and school leaders. These are the Top 10 tweets shared in the past week.


  1. Wearing a face covering in public is proven to be one of the most effective ways to slow the spread of Covid-19 while continuing to keep Texas businesses open. Texans should wear a face covering for the health of their families, friends, and for all fellow Texans. (By @GovAbbott)


  1. The mask goes over your nose, too. (By @TeachMrReed)


  1. What a year to be a school leader. A global health crisis, a national fight for racial justice, a looming economic collapse, political decisions that will shape the fate of the country. I didn’t take this job because I hoped it’d be easy. I took it because I hoped I might matter. (By @fastcrayon)


  1. I’m sorry T.E.A, if we don’t have guidance on what the 2020-2021 school year will look like or if it will be safe to have students in the classroom how can we mandate standardized testing for the school year? That’s not what’s best for students or teachers….It’s wrong. (By @Matt_Stepp817)


  1. How do we have a STAAR testing calendar for next school year, but T.E.A. has yet to offer guidance on reopening schools safely for all our students?!? Seems priorities need to be revisited. The safety of students must come before state testing! (By @CISD_Super)


  1. “Local school leaders, public health experts, educators and parents must be at the center of decisions about how and when to reopen schools” (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. I’m concerned with how little the safety of teachers, administrators, and support staff are discussed in the conversation about safely reopening schools in the fall. Student learning is absolutely a priority, and the health of the adults facilitating that learning should be important, too. (By @sydneycjensen)


  1. Reopening schools this fall is really more of a “when” question than an “if” question. I am not sure why the federal government is pressuring governors to open schools if they are acting in the interest of public safety. (By @DrJerryRBurkett)


  1. Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don’t do it. –Mark Cuban (By @CoachMotto)


  1. In a Special Board Meeting held on Thursday, July 2, 2020, the PBT-ISD Board of Trustees named Mr. Brent H. Jaco as the lone finalist for position of superintendent. Welcome to Pecos and PBT-ISD!! (By @pbtisd)


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