i Top LYS Tweets - March 9, 2009 - Lead Your School

If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS tweets from the past week when they were first posted.  And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.


  1. Leaders with integrity keep their word, even when it hurts, they admit their mistakes and do what they can to right the wrongs. Integrity involves making values-based decisions, not decisions based on personal gain. Without integrity, no real success is possible. (By @effectleader)


  1. Success is where preparation and opportunity meet. (By @CoachKWisdom)


  1. Run towards expectation, run towards pressure and you have a better chance at success. (By @CoachKWisdom)


  1. Don’t wing it. Plan it. An agenda gives potential to spontaneity. (By @Leadershipfreak)


  1. Principals, your job is not to make all your staff above average. Your job is to make all your staff better. You do this through training and system implementation. Raise the floor, raise the ceiling and raise the mean. (By @LYSNation)


  1. “An overwhelming 78% of public school parents — those who would be most affected by a teacher walk-out — say they would support teachers in their community if they went on strike for more pay.” (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. A business owner told me that he doesn’t even look at resumes anymore. He looks at the applicant’s social media posts. How are they representing themselves? Who are they? What are they posting? Make sure you are posting wisely. (By @JonGordon11)


  1. If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges. (By @CoachKWisdom)


  1. Exemption is the enemy of successful self-leadership. (By @Leadershipfreak)


  1. At Lead Your School, the 5th Annual March For A Cure is a really big deal. For every PowerWalk conducted during the month of March, Lead Your School donates 5¢ to the American Cancer Society. Time to lace up your Cancer Beating PowerWalks shoes!! (By @LYSNation)


Visit Classrooms… Beat Cancer!!!

Your turn…

  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: TASSP Summer Conference (Keynote); NAESP Summer Conference (Multiple Presentations) NASSP Summer Conference; ASCD Empower Conference
  • Follow @LYSNation on Twitter and Lead Your School on Facebook.