i State Standards and Grades - Consideration 3 - Lead Your School

State Standards and Grades – Consideration 3

Over the past two posts we have discussed the following goals that I observed in the data room of a high school campus and what percentage of A’s should be earned in the respected classes.


EOC Mastery Goals

Algebra 1: 40%

Biology: 21%

English I: 12%

English II: 11%

U.S. History: 39%


We have used Algebra I as our test class, but the discussion can apply to any of the subjects. In the first post we addressed having more A’s earned in the class than students who met the mastery level.  In the second post we addressed have fewer A’s earned in the course than students who meet the mastery level.


Now we will address the wild card.  What if the state’s mastery standard is lower that generally accepted teacher grading standards? For example, the state only requires the student get 50% of the questions on the EOC correct to reach the mastery status.


Which means the state is saying the student can fail the EOC, but we won’t call that failure …wink, wink. We’ll call that mastery.


Don’t laugh, this is basically Standard Operation Procedure for state testing.


In this case, my challenge to schools is don’t lower your standards, raise them. Strive to teach all the content standards at the appropriate rigor. Grade accordingly.  In doing so, you will see that your A and B students pass the EOC without much difficulty. Your C students end up doing OK. And you quickly identify the students that are in danger of failing and do everything in your power to prevent this, which will also increase the number of students passing the EOC.


2/20/2020: State Standards and Grades – Consideration 1

2/21/2020: State Standards and Grades – Consideration 2


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