i Why You Really Want The Promotion Somewhere Else - Lead Your School

We all want the promotion that opens up where we are right now.  The teacher wants the Assistant Principal job on his campus. The Assistant Principal wants the Principal job on her campus. The Principal wants the Assistant Superintendent job in his district. The Assistant Superintendent wants the Superintendent job in her district.


There are a lot of reasons why this seems advantageous.


You don’t have to move. Easy.


You know the system. Good.


You know the people. Better.


The people know you. Uh oh.


Most aspiring leaders believe that “the people” already knowing you is a good thing.  I would like to point out that this is often not the case.


First, when the people already know you, what they actually know is the history of who you were. From confused rookie, to raw journeyman, to new boss. But the weight of history makes them question you as the boss.  Making your job much more difficult.


Accept the promotion in a new organization and you arrive as the fully formed leader you currently are.  Which means your past errors stay in the past.


Second, in your current organization your past peer relationships now have the potential of causing real discord, hard feelings and minefields in the new supervisor / employee relationship. In a new organization this is not the case.


Third, in the new organization you are viewed as the leader that wanted and went out and found. In your current organization, this is often not the case.


In my experience the promotion in a new organization, while initially more scary, was always easier. Something to consider.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

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