i The Results!!! 4th Annual March For A Cure PowerWalks Challenge - Lead Your School

The news you have been waiting for! LYS Nation, due to your hard work and dedication, this was the most successful March for a Cure Challenge to date.  Last year’s the donation total was $1,800.00. Let’s add up the donation for this year.


The first donation category is actual PowerWalks Observations, with 5¢ donated for every completed PowerWalk.  LYS Nation, during March you completed 40,234 classroom visits which starts the donation total with $2,011.70. I like nice round numbers, so let’s round this up to $2,050.00.


The second donation category is for Legendary Leadership Badges. There were 69 people who earned their first Legendary Leadership Badge during the month of March. At $2.00 per person, that adds up to $138.00. There were 37 people who earned their second Legendary Leadership Badge during the month of March. At $4.00 per person, that adds up to $148.00. There were 4 people who earned their third Legendary Leadership Badge during the month of March. At $8.00 per person, that adds up to $32.00. There were 4 people who earned their fourth Legendary Leadership Badge during the month of March. At $16.00 per person, that adds up to $64.00. And Eric Cormier earned his EIGHTH Legendary Leadership Badge in March. That badge is worth another $32.00. LYS Nation, during March you earned 115 Legendary Leadership Badges which adds a combined $414.00 to the donation total. Let’s round that up to $450.00.


The third donation category recognizes the most heroic of the March Hero Schools. For leading all schools with 940 PowerWalks, we are adding $100.00 to the donation in the name of Galena Park High School (Galena Park Independent School District). We are also donating $50.00 each in the name of our category leaders, Windermere Elementary School (Pflugerville Independent School District), Cele Middle School (Pflugerville Independent School District), Georgia Chaffee TAPP Alternative School (Jefferson County Public Schools), and Connally High School (Pflugerville Independent School District). This adds $300.00 to the donation total.


Our final donation category is to recognize the other thirty-three campuses across the country who made the March 2018 PowerWalks hero school list (names to be shared later this week).  At $10.00 a campus, this would add another $330.00, but we’re going to round that up to $350.00.


Which means that the 2019 March For A Cure PowerWalks Challenge has generated a donation to the American Cancer Society of $3,150.00. Which we will round up to $3,200.00!!!


Beating last year’s donation by $1,400.00!


Thank you, LYS Nation!!!


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