i Get Ready For The March For A Cure! - Lead Your School

The 4thAnnual March For A Cure PowerWalks Challenge begins this Friday, March 1, 2019.


For those of you to the LYS Nation, for every PowerWalks conducted during the month of March, Lead Your School donates 5¢ to the American Cancer Society. For us, the March For A Cure is a really big deal.


To sum up…


  1. You do the hard, but fun, work of visiting classrooms.
  2. LYS does the easy, but satisfying, work of writing the check.
  3. We do our part to kick the ^%$@&! out of cancer.  


Visit Classrooms… Beat Cancer!!!

Your turn…

  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: ASCD Empower19 Conference; TASSP Summer Conference;  NAESP Summer Conference; NASSP Summer Conference; Fundamental 5 National Summit (Keynote)
  • Follow @LYSNation on Twitter and Lead Your School on Facebook.