i Top LYS Tweets - October 29, 2018 - Lead Your School

If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS tweets from the past week when they were first posted.  And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.


  1. For all you straight ticket Republican voters, pause and consider the example of Republican County Judge, Ed Emmett (Harris County, Texas). He is voting a split ticket. The quality of the candidate is more important than party. The same also holds true for all you straight ticket Democratic voters. (By @LYSNation)


  1. Shame on Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick for trying to fake his way into another disastrous term. Texans know he is hostile to public education, and they reject his sinister attempt to fool them! (By @CollierForTexas)


  1. Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is in full panic mode telling suburban voters that he’s for public education. Of course, we all know that’s completely garbage. He said “No!” to increased funding. He said “No!” to funding TRS-Care… Schools are cutting staff to survive as we speak. (By @CollierForTexas)


  1. 80,000 students a year are added to Texas schools each year. Wealth in Texas is increasing at approximately 19 percent a year but NOT benefiting schools or our scholars. It’s criminal. (By @Snowmanlearning)


  1. Texas ranks at the bottom for voter turnout… and for funding public education. Is there a connection? If you care about public schools, learn about the issues and candidates. Be an informed VOTER! (By @CFISDCLC)


  1. Education is not a cost but an investment in the future of our state and nation. (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. No one’s education portion of property tax is enough to cover cost of a voucher. Voucher costs are dependent on other tax payers. It’s not right for private schools to accept vouchers and then discriminate against the child of any tax payer contributing to their cost. (By @LuxLuxam)


  1. When a man like Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick claims he’s for public education, you’d fire him just for lying. He’s been unwaveringly hostile to public education from the day he entered the Texas Senate… (By @CollierForTexas)


  1. Democrats fear voter suppression. Republicans fear vote fraud. The data show suppression is widespread; voter fraud is not. George W. Bush’s Department of Justice studied voter fraud and found it occurs on 0.00000013% of ballots. A recent study found 31 cases out of a billion ballots from 2000-2014. (By @brianklaas)


  1. The voter fraud/voter suppression debate is one of those frustrating “partisan” issues that we can answer with data. It’s not partisan to show that, empirically, voter suppression often influences the outcome of US elections; voter fraud does not. Facts shouldn’t be partisan. (By @brianklaas)


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