i Top LYS Tweets - August 6, 2018 - Lead Your School

If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS tweets from the past week when they were first posted.  And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.


  1. Sitting in a leadership chair doesn’t magically endow the occupant leadership skills and focus. Just like the man sitting in Santa’s chair at the mall, isn’t magically transformed into Santa Claus. (By @LYSNation)


  1. Absent a change in state leadership, the Texas Legislature will NOT reform public education funding. The state government, led by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, fought school districts when they sued for more funding. In fact, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick BLOCKED several attempts to increase education funding! (By @CollierForTexas)


  1. We have to stop voting straight party and vote for the best candidate for the position. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is not a friend to public education. (By @TxEducator)


  1. Too many people believe that if someone occupies the position, then they must be a leader. Be it Principal, Superintendent, Mayor or President. Nothing could be further from the truth. (By @LYSNation)


  1. Being an effective leader is a pursuit. And active, reflective engagement in that pursuit changes you. (By @LYSNation)


  1. Every campus should have a teacher attendance goal. Check your stats from last year. Your teacher attendance rate was lower than the student attendance rate. And that is before you factor in on-duty but off-campus days. (By @LYSNation)


  1. The primary purpose of an assessment or test is to provide accurate information to inform instructional decision making. (By @LYSNation)


  1. My theory on student attendance goals is that we have them, so we are assured of having at least one goal that we accomplished by the end of the year. Students show up, it’s what they do. (By @LYSNation)


  1. You should reward teacher attendance because paid leave is actually is a disincentive to regular attendance. (By @LYSNation)


  1. Those who come to our country are more like us, than different. (By @LYSNation)


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: LYS / TASSP Leadership Symposium (Keynote); AMLE National Conference; ASCD Empower19 Conference 
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