i School Performance - The Big Picture, Part 1 - Lead Your School

I recently sat through a long session on the “secret” of improving schools, writ large.  It seems that the obvious answer is more effective school boards.


I wish I could agree. I do not.


Are school boards important? Yes.


Are schools board the answer to a unifying theory of school improvement? No.


In the grand scheme of school improvement, school boards are a lot like master schedules. They can be THE problem. They can be a powerful lever. But they are never THE solution.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: TASSP Summer Conference (Multiple Presentations); TEPSA Summer Conference; LYS / ESC 3 Fundamental 5 Leadership Symposium; VASSP Summer Conference (Multiple Presentations); NAESP National Conference (Multiple Presentations); NASSP National Principals Conference; LYS / TASSP Leadership Symposium (Keynote)
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