i Enhanced Campus Safety - Advice for Campus Administrators - Lead Your School

As stated on Monday’s post (5/21/2018) though it may not feel like it, statistically you, your students, and your staff are safe on campus for the remainder of the school year.


That being stated, we must also realize that like it or not, school shootings are proving to be contagious behaviors. So, let’s look at some common sense things you can do to make you and your school safer.


  1. Be calm, project confidence and engage positively with every student and adult on your campus. Make eye contact, smile, and greet everyone in a friendly manner. Be visible and keep your ears open and your head on a swivel. This is disarming to anyone on edge (for any reason) and it allows you to continuously mentally, auditorily and visually assess your surroundings and those who are in your vicinity.


  1. Make sure that adults are posted, visible and engaged with students before school, during intake, during breakfast, during lunch, and during dismissal.


  1. Make sure that all exterior doors are locked. Check exterior doors throughout the day. Immediately discontinue the practice of propping open exterior doors.


  1. Make sure that hallways are clear and checked during class times.


  1. Monitor restrooms during passing times and check them periodically during class times.


  1. Reduce the number of students that are allowed to leave classrooms during class times.


  1. Insist that teachers be at their doors, greeting students, during passing periods.


  1. Insist that teachers clean out all the clutter in their classroom, file cabinets, closets and desk. You want to make sure that nothing can be hidden in a classroom and you want to be able to quickly assess if anything is new, strange or out of place.


  1. Insist that windows should remain uncovered, but, teachers must have the ability to cover them quickly in case of an emergency.


  1. Provide teachers with a simple rubber (not plastic, they slide too easily) door stop. In an emergency the teacher should jam the rubber door stop under the door.


  1. Remind staff that window are viable exits.


  1. Plan for the best, prepare for the worst.


  1. Be calm, project confidence and engage positively with every student and adult on your campus. Make eye contact, smile, and greet everyone in a friendly manner. Be visible and keep your ears open and your head on a swivel. This is disarming to anyone on edge (for any reason) and it allows you to continuously mentally, auditorily and visually assess your surroundings and those who are in your vicinity.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: LYS / ESC 4 Principals Symposium (Keynote); TASSP Summer Conference (Multiple Presentations); TEPSA Summer Conference; LYS / ESC 3 Fundamental 5 Leadership Symposium; VASSP Summer Conference (Multiple Presentations); NAESP National Conference (Multiple Presentations); NASSP National Principals Conference; LYS / TASSP Leadership Symposium (Keynote) 
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