i If You Don't Read... - Lead Your School

Because you are reading this, this post does not apply to you.


Long ago I quit arguing with non-readers occupying professional positions.  I work with 100’s (and often 1,000’s) of educators every month.  Occasionally, I will have someone who will argue a FACT, based on their own opinion (for the real purpose of protecting their comfort). After a couple of back and forth’s, I’ll realize their agenda and then quiz them on if they have read (insert a slew of relevant articles and authors).  The answer is ALWAYS, “No.”


To which I will say, “Until you catch up on your reading, we can’t have a real debate.”


The only response to this I have heard (on numerous occasions) is, “I’ve never been treated so unprofessionally in my life.”


I always let this go and move on.


But here is the truth. Professionals debate and challenge each other. Professionals read and stay current with improvements and new understandings in the profession. Which begs the question, “Can you really treat someone who is masquerading as a professional, unprofessionally?”


Think. Work. Achieve.


Your turn…

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