i Top 10 LYS Tweets - March 27, 2018 - Lead Your School

If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS tweets from the past week when they were first posted.  And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.


  1. Successful leaders run toward problems, not away. If you want to lead, solve a problem, the bigger the better. (By @Leadershipfreak)


  1. We should focus on investing in public schools where 90% of our children go, not directing money away from them for the 10% who go to private schools. (By @Network4pubEd)


  1. This is an important point made by my good friend, Scott Milder. So-called “school choice” can leave many children and families with no choice at all. Education is a vital public service we provide our children in Texas. It should not be a market-driven commodity. (By @CollierForTexas)


  1. My friend Mike Collier is exactly right. Rational Republicans need to wake up and realize their Lieutenant Governor (Dan Patrick) is terrible for Texas. Vote him out in November by voting for Mike Collier, a rational and fiscally conservative Texan running as a Democrat to unseat the incumbent. (By @smilder)


  1. Texas School Finance Chairman Scott Brister just asked why the state should increase teacher pay since paying teachers more won’t make them work any better. (By @CindyWilems)


  1. Friday’s school finance news out of Kansas is huge! Finally, someone (in this case, Texas A&M’s Dr. Lori Taylor) has put a price tag on increased student performance. Lawmakers shocked by report that Kansas schools need up to $2 billion. (By @mishshel)


  1. Sometimes, the most valuable thing educators provide for their students, is the structure, stability, and support that they don’t get at home. (By @SteeleThoughts)


  1. Failing forward yields many wins… It requires persistence and the willingness to keep trying… AND for Leaders to encourage and coach their people to excellence. (By @clwilkens)


  1. I hate it when legislators say, “My wife (Mom, daughter) is a teacher,” right before they pass bad education policy. My husband could be an accountant. That doesn’t mean I know anything about how to do his job. (By LdsHopson)


  1. State legislatures must ensure that teachers receive their promised retirement benefits. Period. Glad to see Kentucky teachers rallying and mobilizing as Texas teachers are! (By @pastors4txkids)


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  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: ESC 9 Leadership Conference (Multiple Presentations); LYS / ESC 4 Principals Symposium (Keynote); NAESP National Conference (Multiple Presentations); NASSP National Principals Conference; LYS / TASSP Leadership Symposium (Keynote)