i Making a Bigger Impact - Where to Focus Your Effort - Lead Your School

As we leave the classroom and move up in the school leadership ranks, in every interview we claim that we want the next job to “Make a bigger impact.”


And here is the thing, I believe that we all mean that.  I also believe that too many of us in education leadership roles get distracted by “stuff and things” and aren’t making as much of an impact as we can and should.  To provide some clarity, here is a prioritized list of where your effort, time and resources should be focused.


  1. Students


  1. Teachers


  1. The people who support teachers (instructional coaches, deans, assistant principals, principals).


  1. The people who support students (counselors, diagnosticians, librarians, etc.).


  1. Campus operations staff (campus secretaries, custodians, etc.).


  1. The people who support the campus staff (central office).


The more you can focus your time, attention and resources toward the top of the list (which is closer to actual teaching and learning), the greater your impact.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: ESC 9 Leadership Conference (Multiple Presentations); LYS / ESC 4 Principals Symposium (Keynote); NAESP National Conference (Multiple Presentations); NASSP National Principals Conference; LYS / TASSP Leadership Symposium (Keynote)
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