i A Reader Asks... PowerWalks Feedback (The Powerful Practice Notice) - Lead Your School

A new LYS Principal asks the following:

SC, Usually after we complete a classroom observation, we enter the data and that is it, nothing overt happens, unless the observer types in a note. Then, at other times, a much more detailed report with a graphic and the practice descriptions are generated to send to the teacher.  What is happening and why do some teachers get a notice and some do not? Thanks! SC Response Central to this question is having a clear understanding of exactly how much relevant data can be collected from a single 3 to 5-minute observation.  The answer, in the vast majority of cases, is not much.  The individual sample of observed behavior/practice is too small.

So, why do them (short classroom observations)?

Even though a single walk-thru revels little, a chain of walk-thru’s (15 to 20 for an individual teacher) will reveal a pattern of typical practice. A pattern that can then be used to coach teachers and drive incremental improvements in their practice. Thus, the most powerful information derived from short walk-thru’s is the “Game Film” it creates over time.  

Still there is some power in individual observations.  

1. The observation can cue the implementation of a new, better practice.

2. The observer can immediately help correct any glaring deficit in practice.

3. The observer can comment on an observed positive.

4. The observer can share with the teacher that exemplar practice was observed.

During some observations, significant exemplar practices will be observed (this obviously does not occur with every classroom visit).  When this occurs, the PowerWalks System cues the observer that a positive note is warranted.  If the observer concurs, the PowerWalks System generates and sends the note.

Though the system is intuitive, many campuses find that observer and staff training on the features and appropriate use of the PowerWalks System is useful.  Contact. us if we can help

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