i PowerWalks for Rockport (Aransas County Independent School District) - Lead Your School

A report from Rockport, Texas:  

…I am only going to speak for myself.  Life as we knew it a week ago is forever changed.  Our little community is decimated.  We have weeks, and for some processes, years of rebuilding to do.  I was very blessed that my house was spared major damage but I have friends that have lost everything.  Everything can be rebuilt but this is just not how the first week of school should ever end.  Let’s be honest, no week should ever end like this.

Please tell the LYS Nation we said “Hi, and please continue to pray for all of us.” 

Hoping we can open school in a few weeks but I think I am being optimistic.  Just want students back and life to begin to have some normalcy again….      LYS Nation,

Our friends and fellow educators in Aransas County ISD bore the full force and fury of Hurricane Harvey.  The district and community has been heavily damaged.  The school district is closed indefinitely while they clean up and rebuild.  The task is massive.

To assist the Aransas County ISD community, for every PowerWalk conducted by the LYS Nation between 8/25/17 and 9/30/17, Lead Your School will donate 5¢.

As of today (9/1/17), there have been 6,291 PowerWalks conducted for a current donation total of $314.55.  And that was before you knew you were PowerWalking for someone else.  Now you know. Step up!

Visit Classrooms – Rebuild Aransas County Independent School District Schools