i The Final Results: March For A Cure Challenge - 2017 - Lead Your School

LYS Nation, you outdid yourself!  Your challenge was to visit classrooms to beat cancer, and you really stepped up.  In March, individually you visited a total of 16,469 classrooms (exceeding last year’s total by 4,504), which equates to a donation of $823.45

Then five LYSers met the 200 PowerWalks Challenge, which adds another $50.00 to the donation.

As for campuses, the following 16 schools made the March Cancer Fightin’ PowerWalks Hero list.  

Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools
Southside PS (CISD) – 528 Cunningham MS (GPISD) – 899 North Shore SHS (GPISD) – 1,274
McFerrin PA (JCPS) – 358 Galena Park MS (GPISD) – 764 Granbury HS (GISD) – 820
McFee ES (CFISD) – 315 Cobb 6th Grade Center (GPISD) – 421 Valley HS (JCPS) – 665
Wright ES (WISD) – 292 North Shore MS (GPISD) – 358 Cleveland HS (CISD) – 588
Duryea ES (CFISD) – 255 Iroquois HS (JCPS) – 546
Borger HS (BISD) – 471
Fairdale HS (JCPS) – 455

This adds another $160.00 to the donation.

Then Southside Primary School (Cleveland ISD), Cunningham Middle School (Galena Park ISD), and North Shore High School (Galena Park ISD) led their school categories, adding another $150.00 to the donation.

Then North Shore Senior High School (Galena Park ISD) was the Ultimate PowerWalks Cancer Fightin’ Hero School in March, adding another $100.00 to the donation.

This adds up to a total of $1,283.45.  The exceeds last year’s total by $170.20.  But I like even numbers…

Which means that the overall Lead Your School / LYS Nation March For A Cure donation to the American Cancer Society is….

Thank you! And mark your calendars, because we’re going to do it again next year!!!

Visit Classrooms…  Beat Cancer! Your turn…

P.S. The PowerWalks Hero School Targets for April 2017

Elementary Schools – 125 Middle Schools – 150 Alternative Schools – 40

High Schools – 200