i A Principal Shares... The Power of Coaching - Lead Your School

A LYS Principal shares the result of working with a LYS Coach this year.


I want you to know that Barbara Fine (LYS Legend, Icon and Coach) has really helped me and the staff turn our school around.  We are finally functioning as a school should function.  We are having significantly more success with our students with first instruction and we did not need to have one after school academic camp this year. Just spot tutoring by teachers when they felt the need.  There is sense urgency not just evident by administrators, but also by teachers.

I know that we are now doing what needs to be done to prepare our students for greatness.  This was never more apparent than on the last day of school when every child leaving us had tears. In the past I have seen crying, but this year every child walking out was crying.  It gave me chills.

Thank you and thanks Barbara!

SC Response Incredible! It really sounds like you and your team have finally turned the corner.  

Just keep reminding your staff that now it is time to kick it into high gear and take advantage of the momentum that has been built.

Enjoy your Summer!

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5 
  • Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Timer (Fundamental 5 Delivery Tool); PowerWalks CLC (Networked Formative Observation Tool) 
  • Upcoming Presentations: LYS / TASSP Advanced Leadership Academy (Keynote); The 4th Annual Fundamental 5 National Summit (Keynote) 
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