In response to the 1/27/15 post, “A Stressed Out Staff,” readers write:
A LYS Principal “Right on, Brother. Keep preaching it!“
A LYS Principal “Good stuff… good stuff… So glad you shared this out!
A LYS Teacher “And I thought I was the only one who noticed which teachers do the most whining.
SC Response I get it. Teaching students in this era of increased accountability and diminishing resources is difficult, stressful work. Much more so than when I was in the classroom. I also recognize that for many, “gritching” is the lubricant that allows one to deal with the friction of doing difficult work. So I have a high tolerance for “in house / behind closed doors” gritching.
So for those doing the work, in the way that we agreed to do it, I am on your side and if I can help, I will.
But for those making their lives more stressful due to cutting corners and hoping to not get caught, the only help I can give you is to help you get on board or to help you move on. That is difficult job of leadership.
Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…
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- Upcoming Presentations: Texas Association of Secondary School Principals Conference (Multiple Presentations); Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association Conference (Multiple Presentations); LYS / TASSP Advanced Leadership Academy (Keynote)
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