i Top LYS Tweets from the Week of December 13, 2015 - Lead Your School

If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS Tweets from the week of December 13, 2015 when they were first posted.  And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.

1. Congratulations to LYSer, Dr. Darin Jolly!! He is the new Superintendent in Kenedy ISD!! Who will be next? (By @LYSNation)

2. There are really two jobs in education: those who deliver the curriculum and those you support the delivery of curriculum! Which are you? (By @montelongo)

3. Isolation is the enemy of improvement. (By @tra_hall)

4. In the absence of clear leadership, conflicts last longer and create more damage. (By @blitzkrieg607)

5. We need to prepare students for THEIR futures, not our Past. (By @Snowmanlearning)

6. Teacher talk vs. student talk… Monologue vs. dialogue… Impact education, students learn more when they are involved with their learning! (By @montelongo)

7. Moak report states: “If (Texas) independent school districts were funded like Texas charter school, total state support would increase by over $4.7 billion.” (By @tra_hall)

8. Most states providing less education funding than before the Great Recession (2008) – Washington Post (By @BruceLesley)

9. “No one in any other industry thinks that going to a training is going to change someone’s behavior” (By @Mr_McComb)

10. Surprise: School that is tolerant of anti-vaxxers suffers massive chickenpox outbreak. (By @Slate)

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5 
  • Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Timer (Fundamental 5 Delivery Tool); PowerWalks CLC (Networked Formative Observation Tool)
  • Upcoming Presentations: American Association of School Administrators Conference; National Association of Secondary School Principals Conference (Multiple Presentations) 
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation  and like Lead Your School on Facebook