i Danielson Framework Alignment to the Observation Modules of PowerWalks - Lead Your School

This is the conclusion of the series of posts addressing Danielson Framework Alignment. See the 10/8/2015 post, “Danielson Framework Alignment to The Foundation Trinity,” and the 10/9/2015 post, “Danielson Framework Alignment to The Fundamental 5.” 

Today I’m addressing the campus administrator concern of finding a classroom observation protocol that is aligned to the Danielson Framework.  The search is a short one because the objective, observable elements of Danielson Framework are already aligned to the PowerWalks Classroom Observation System.

As the reader will observe in the Danielson Framework / PowerWalks Alignment Summary, as teachers increase the frequency of the observable best practice in the PowerWalks Observation Modules, they are making measurable progress towards meeting or exceeding Danielson Framework instructional standards. In addition, the PowerWalks Systems has a customizable module to address the improved implementation of local instructional initiatives.

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Knowledge of: content and structure; pedagogy; learning process; student skills; student need; content value, sequence and alignment; instructional resources; learning activities; instructional grouping; aligned formative assessment design and use. 

Danielson Framework Alignment to PowerWalks
Module 1: Instructor Location X
Module 2: Pupil Engagement X
Module 3: Lesson Framing X
Module 4: High-yield Instructional Practices X
Module 5: Instructional Rigor X
Module 6: Instructional Relevance X
Module 7: Classroom Climate X
Module 8: Local Observation Elements

Domain 2: Classroom Environment Positive teacher/student interactions; positive student/student interactions; positive class expectations; student pride in work; effective classroom management; effective and appropriate student discipline management; safe and effective room set-up.

Danielson Framework Alignment to PowerWalks
Module 1: Instructor Location X
Module 2: Pupil Engagement X
Module 3: Lesson Framing X
Module 4: High-yield Instructional Practices X
Module 5: Instructional Rigor X
Module 6: Instructional Relevance X
Module 7: Classroom Climate X
Module 8: Local Observation Elements

Domain 3: Instruction Communicates with students effectively and appropriately; questions effectively and appropriately; provides engaging and effective lessons and activities; uses effective and appropriate multi-layered assessment and feedback; adjusts lessons effectively, as needed.

Danielson Framework Alignment to PowerWalks
Module 1: Instructor Location X
Module 2: Pupil Engagement X
Module 3: Lesson Framing X
Module 4: High-yield Instructional Practices X
Module 5: Instructional Rigor X
Module 6: Instructional Relevance X
Module 7: Classroom Climate X
Module 8: Local Observation Elements

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Maintains accurate student records; maintains professional relationships with colleagues; pursues professional growth; active participant in the school culture; responds appropriately to feedback; assists others in the profession; acts with integrity and ethics; advocates for students; complies with district and campus policies and procedures.

Danielson Framework Alignment to PowerWalks
Module 1: Instructor Location X
Module 2: Pupil Engagement X
Module 3: Lesson Framing X
Module 4: High-yield Instructional Practices X
Module 5: Instructional Rigor X
Module 6: Instructional Relevance X
Module 7: Classroom Climate X
Module 8: Local Observation Elements

For those who want the entire document, contact Jo, at the LYS office.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5 
  • Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Timer (Fundamental 5 Delivery Tool); PowerWalks CLC (Networked Formative Observation Tool) 
  • Upcoming Presentations: The Fundamental 5 National Summit (Multiple Presentations); American Association of School Administrators Conference; National Association of Secondary School Principals Conference (Multiple Presentations) 
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation  and like Lead Your School on Facebook