i PowerWalks Hero Schools (August 2015) - Lead Your School

In furtherance of a LYS Nation tradition, we will take this time to tip our caps to the campuses that have embraced the most important step in creating and maintaining an action oriented professional learning community.  These are the campuses that have conducted an extraordinary number of formative classroom observations in a given month.  Since this is the beginning of the school year, any campus that conducted even a single PowerWalks observation is to be considered a Hero Campus.  Next month, as you can see below, the bar will be raised a little bit higher.

Your September Targets High Schools – 150 PowerWalks Observations Middle Schools / Junior High Schools – 125 PowerWalks Observations Elementary / Intermediate / Combined Campuses – 100 PowerWalks Observations Alternative Schools – 50 PowerWalks Observations

Now without further ado, here are your forty PowerWalks Hero Schools for the month of August 2015.  Congratulations!!!

Elementary Schools & Combined Campuses Middle Schools & Junior High Schools Alternative Schools High Schools
Eastside ES (CISD) – 158 Cleveland MS (CISD) – 128 Frederick Douglas LC (CISD) – 14 Fairdale HS (JCPS) – 474
Northside ES (CISD) – 154 Marlin MS (MISD) – 115 Cleveland DAEP (CISD) Mayde Creek HS (KISD) – 202
Rennell ES (CFISD) – 129 Magnolia JH (MISD) – 97 Marlin HS (MISD) – 62
Marlin ES (MISD) – 110 Borger MS (BISD) – 63 Iroquois HS (JCPS) – 42
Portland ES (JCPS) – 41 Unicoi County MS (UCS) – 22 Morton Ranch HS (KISD) – 28
Paul Belton ES (BISD) – 32 Canyon MS (CISD) Marion County HS (MCPS) – 20
Southside PS (CISD) – 31 Lomax JH (LPISD) Borger HS (BISD)
Crockett ES (BISD) – 27 Mathis HS (MISD)
Dublin IS (DISD) – 25
Colonial Hills ES (NEISD) – 22
Borger IS (BISD) – 20
Dublin ES (DISD) – 17
Gateway ES (BISD) – 15
Raymond E. Curtis ES (WISD) – 15
Kerrick ES (JCPS) – 11
Rock Creek ES (UCS)
Love Chapel ES (UCS)
Refugio ES (RISD)
Temple Hill ES (UCS)
Unicoi ES (UCS)
Frost Schools (FISD)
Bonham ES (HISD)
J.H. Hines ES (WISD)

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5
  • Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Timer (Fundamental 5 Delivery Tool); PowerWalks CLC (Networked Formative Observation Tool) 
  • Upcoming Presentations: Illinois ASCD Fall Conference (Multiple Presentations), Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association Fall AP Conference, The Fundamental 5 National Summit (Multiple Presentations); American Association of School Administrators Conference; National Association of Secondary School Principals Conference (Multiple Presentations) 
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation  and like Lead Your School on Facebook