i A Superintendent Writes... Political Lies / Political Truths - Part 3 - Lead Your School

In response to the 4/22/15 post, “Political Lies  / Political Truths – Texas Senate Version,” a LYS Superintendent shares the following:


I agree with your position. Like you, I’m concerned with the lack of regard for public education and the direction taken by our current legislative body. Charter, voucher, or whatever route they pursue is a disregard for public education, both philosophically and financially. My concern is making a direct statement in regard to “separation of church and state,” as there are many who actually believe those words are in the Constitution, when, in fact, they are not. Unfortunately, the Constitution at all levels of politics is being ignored in word and deed. Transparency in government is becoming a difficult thing to identify.

Thank you for your leadership, both in terms of these types of issues as well as instructional leadership.

SC Response Granted, the “…Wall of separation between church and state…” is the common interpretation of, “…Make no law…”

What I most wanted to illustrate is the hypocrisy of the Texas Senate. Our current crop of controlling Senators does not operate from a specific political philosophy, which I can respect.  Instead they operate from the basest form of political opportunism and cronyism, which from a leadership perspective is essentially anti-leadership.  The solution is for stewards (like you), which represent real leadership, to begin having honest dialogues with their peers and constituents. The conversation… Stewardship is not opportunism and those who value opportunism over stewardship should not receive our votes.    

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