i Top LYS Tweets From the Week of October 12, 2014 - Lead Your School

A number of you in the LYS Nation are now Twitter users.  If you haven’t done so yet, we want you to join us.  To let you see what you are missing, here are the Top 10 LYS Tweets from the week of October 5, 2014.

1. What takes years to build can be torn down in mere days and weeks. Leadership matters. (By @blitzkrieg607)

2. Your surroundings should make the things you need to do easy and the things you shouldn’t do hard. (By @tra_hall)

3. Did you know if teachers start class 5 minutes late and end 5 minutes early every hour they would lose around 29 days of learning each year? (By @justintarte)

4. I’ve heard many times, “Teachers don’t vote.” Let’s hope this isn’t true. (By @PaulaKelm)

5. Congrats to William Moerner, an alumni of Jefferson HS in San Antonio, for receiving the Nobel Prize in chemistry! (By @RYHTexas)

6. Instructional feedback is giving students information in a timely manner that allows them to make changes that affect their learning. (By @vhsaldana)

7. Finishing a high school course beyond Algebra 2 more than doubles the odds that a student will complete a bachelors degree. (By @DrJerryRBurkett)

8. The good people of Texas can breathe easy, as their state is fiercely prepared for the non-existent crisis of voter fraud. (By @JohnFugelsang)

9. We have a constitutional obligation to provide a suitable education to every child in Texas. Vouchers vacate that duty. (By @johnkuhntx)

10. Model!  Model!  Model! (By @OCTHenderson)

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5 
  • Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Timer (Fundamental 5 Delivery Tool); Fun 5 Plans (Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan Tool) 
  • Upcoming Presentations: ASCD Annual Conference; TEPSA Summer Conference 
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation  and like Lead Your School on Facebook