i LYS Principal, Jayne Ellspermann, is the 2015 NASSP National Principal of the Year! - Lead Your School

NASSP Announces 2015 National Principal of the Year Jayne Ellspermann, principal of West Port High School in Ocala, FL, was named the 2015 NASSP National Principal of the Year during a surprise assembly at her school on Tuesday, October 7. The announcement came as part of NASSP’s celebration of National Principals Month. During her 10 years as principal at West Port— an “A” school that boasts the highest test scores in its district—Ellspermann has developed a college-going culture personalized for students. At West Port, lunchtime is often “PowerHour,” a student-empowerment initiative Ellspermann launched giving students autonomy over an hour of their school day for academic enrichment, open labs, clubs, and other creative opportunities. Students can also graduate with an associate’s degree before graduating from high school thanks to an on-campus college program Ellspermann spearheaded. Visit http://bit.ly/NPOY15 for more about the announcement.

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  • Upcoming Presentations: The Fundamental 5 National Summit (Keynote Presentation); ASCD Annual Conference; TEPSA Summer Conference 
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