i A Reader Writes... The Astronomical Cost of Comp Time - Part 2 - Lead Your School

In response to the 6/19/2014 post, The Astronomical Cost of Comp Time,” a LYS Principal writes:


Your post was right on. Love it!

And just so you know, we now have summer training stipend is our budget.

SC Response Fantastic.  We all know if our teachers are to have any chance to keep up with advances in the field (hooray) and advances in punitive accountability (boo) then on-going training is not a want. It is a need.  We also know that for intensive and deep training, the summer is the best, if not only, time to provide this training.  But only a handful of districts adequately budget to provide training stipends.  The budget is the best indicator of district priority.  It’s not just enough to say teachers are the most critical employees in a school system. A little stipend at the right time goes along way to proving that sentiment.

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