i A Reader Writes... Top Tweet List - Lead Your School

In response to the 6/16/14 post, “Top LYS Tweets From theWeek of June 8, 2014,” a LYS Principal writes:


Great set of tweets! I often send your list to my staff. They may not all follow the blog but I think all can benefit from your top list of tweets. I also print them out and place on my board next to my door for all to read!

SC Response Thank you! And so very old school and new school at the same time. I remember reading as much as I could when I was a principal.  Both for me and to find the articles that I thought my staff should be aware of.  When I found something, I would copy it and place it in their box.  I figured even if they didn’t read the whole article, at least they would know that I valued professional reading and by the topics I shared know what I thought was important for the campus.  Why copies in the mail box? Because at the campus level there were no scanners, few online articles and spotty e-mail coverage back in the day.

I’m not surprised that you do the same thing for your staff (with the modern additions of blogs, Twitter, Pintrest, etc.).  But I am honored that you find the topics I think are important are also useful for the staff at one of the top public schools in the country.

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  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5 
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  • Upcoming Presentations: NAESP National Conference; Kentucky Association of School Administrators Leadership Institute; The Fundamental 5 National Summit (Keynote Presentation) 
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