i Make the Last Month Count - Lead Your School
When you look at schools that outperform their peers,
one of the telling differences is the urgency of May instruction.  Sadly,
most schools in the month of May start to ease up and coast to the finish. 
Those who don’t begin to separate themselves from the pack.  It is amazing
what an extra month of focused instruction will do for student performance. 
This isn’t a sermon where I say, “Shame on you
for not sprinting to the finish.”
  That would be the easy way out
and doesn’t attack the real question, “What does sprinting to the end
look like?”
So here are a couple of examples:
1. Loop Teachers.  Instead of taking the
first month of school for students and teachers to get to know each other, use
the last month.  Have teachers from the next grade teach a week or two at
the lower grade.  They can preview upcoming content, review pre-requisite
material, set expectations and begin to build relationships. 
2. Fact Month.  Every teacher I know
complains that students no longer know their facts.  Use May to teach the
facts most critical for next year’s content.  Build in a sense of
competition with weekly team-based fact bees.
3. Capstone Projects. 
Use May for students to work on interdisciplinary and/or capstone projects. 
These can be either individual or team projects.  A consistent teacher
complaint is that standardized testing has robbed us of the opportunity to
connect and extend the curriculum.  What better time to do exactly that,
than May?
4. Start Next Year’s Curriculum. 
For most schools, the actual curriculum delivery schedule is from the first day
of school until the state (or district) summative test.  Then from the day
after the test to the end of school, the pace of instruction rapidly ebbs. 
The actual curriculum delivery schedule of many high performing schools is
quite different.  On these campuses, the first day of instruction of new
content begins on the day after the state (or district) summative test and goes
full speed until the summative test next school year.
Just remember, May is what campus leadership makes it.
Think. Work. Achieve.
Your turn…
  • Call Jo at (832)
    477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies
    available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5
  • Call Jo at (832)
    477-LEAD to order your campus set of “Look at Me: A Cautionary School
    Leadership Tale” Individual copies available on
    Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/lookatmebook
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