i An Attempt at Meaningful Dialogue, Round 1 - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the 1/15/14 post, “An Attempt at Meaningful Dialogue – Round 1,” the LYS Nation writes:


This is an excellent example of an informed superintendent! I appreciate leaders like this! Actually, I learned a lot from this letter. 
Thanks so much for sharing this!



This is extremely enlightening… from a teacher perspective as well as an aspiring administrator.  
Thank you. 

SC Response Don’t be afraid to answer the question and don’t be afraid of bullies.  In our field we should not apologize for knowing more than even the most interested layperson.  It is our job to know more than they do.  After all, the best among us think, study, and do education 24 / 7 / 365.  

I don’t go visit my doctor, assuming that we are equals in terms of medical knowledge, even though I have put on hundreds of band-aids and have self-medicated cold symptoms. 

Like my doctor, we do need to treat people with dignity, listen to them and answer their questions.  But my doctor does not agree to disagree with me.  Imagine if I walked in for my annual check-up and with complete conviction told my doctor that I think that I should be able to smoke, drink to excess, eat to excess, and not exercise because that was good enough for my Grandfather and he lived into his 90’s.  He would politely tell me that I was wrong and enjoy my diminished life.  And trust me, it wouldn’t bother my doctor in the slightest if after this discussion I left his office unhappy.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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