i A Principal Writes... Mission vs. Vision - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the 4/26/2013 post, “Mission vs. Vision,” a LYS Principal writes:

LYS Nation,

Cain is dead on with this post.  My campus went thru the motions for years, every positive active was open for debate and though we stayed busy it never felt like we were accomplishing anything.
Then we spent two days working with Cain on creating a tangible mission.  Suddenly our work was focused and the daily wasted effort considering unrelated, yet positive actions has evaporated.  Do it and do it with Cain.  Because for this, if you want something truly meaningful you need a facilitator who knows what the heck he is doing.

SC Response. Thanks for the kind words. But it is the continued success of your campus that is the true testimonial.  As always, call when you need anything.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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