i A Reader Writes... CSCOPE is the Root of All Evil (Part 4:1) - Lead Your School

In response to the 2/15/13 post, “It Seems That CSCOPE is the Root of All Evil (Part 4 of 4),” a reader writes:


If I were Dr. Labay, I would be furious about the way this was presented.

SC Response JV,

I’m genuinely curious. What about this do you think would make him furious? 

Looking forward to your response.


I felt that it was degrading and insulting.  However, I am genuinely impressed with your astoundingly quick response.  It was “Anti-CSCOPE Argument #11.” 

It portrays him as, “An evil genius / incompetent… hood winked a whole State…” 

The response WAS good and thorough, but the introduction was in a negative manner.  It’s like “Rapist caught” and slandering an innocent person, then later, stating that it was an error… that the accused was a wonderful person.  There is a statistically-significant amount of people, when data are presented in the negative, they believe / accept it, and, regardless of trying to correct it, always has a stain on it, a questionable belief.

SC Response A-ha.  Now I understand. Kind of like, “The controversial CSCOPE program…”  But here is the sad part.  That wasn’t my introduction.  As with all the Anti-CSCOPE arguments, the characterizations came straight from the anti-blog sites and related comments.  I agree that it is insulting and I understand your disgust.  I felt the same way.  Which is why I wrote the posts.  Those who hate something are publicly vocal.  Those who love something are privately vocal.  And those who just find something useful say nothing.  Knowing that, I decided to defend a useful tool or at least show that the Anti-CSCOPE Loonies do not have logic on their side. 

The primacy / recency effect tells us what happens last is what we remember most vividly. So…

Dr. Labay and the CSCOPE team are consummate professionals who built a remarkably useful tool in relative obscurity.  Their reward? To be publicly insulted and denigrated by a power hunger state senator and a host of fringe actors.  It makes me sad, because my Momma raised me to believe that Texans are better than that.  I wonder what their Momma’s think?

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