i A Principal Writes... The Hidden Agenda of Choice (7:1) - Lead Your School

In response to the 3/27/13 post, “The Hidden Agenda of Choice – Part 7,” a LYS Principal writes:


Sadly, too many public educators turn their head to this information, have not taken the time to learn what this bill being passed could potentially mean to them in the reality, and by doing so, once again ‘accept’ the results.  Some people in office are enjoying accolades for passing some reforms for state testing while pushing thru this bill fast and proudly… their presence this session is a double edge sword.  

Like I said before – the civil rights issue of our time is the fight for public education. Those against public education have shown that they are willing to lie, spend and lobby to get what they want. Our elected officials need to hear our voices as well… logical, loud, and consistent.  They need to know how much we care and how we will vote.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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