i A Superintendent Writes... CSCOPE is the Root of All Evil (Part 1:3) - Lead Your School

In response to the 2/12/13 post, “It Seems That CSCOPE is the Root of All Evil (Part 1 of 4),” a LYS Superintendent writes:


I hope you’re going to address CSCOPE being used as a pawn in the larger effort to weaken/privatize public education. It would have been entertaining to listen to Peggy Venable speak on local radio in Texarkana this morning were it not for the fact that she has access to so many legislators. I constantly ask why in the world would she be considered a viable source of information and be allowed to speak at the Senate Hearing?

She went from CSCOPE attacks, tied it to attacks on the ESCs and how we ought to get rid of them, and finally to Thomas Ratliff of the State Board of Education. Speaking of the SBOE, what a circus we are in for when they start reviewing CSCOPE lessons. Reminds me of the old commercial where the chimps were creating a business plan; the human (ESC) will enter the room and all the chimps (social conservatives) will sit and listen (maybe), then all hell breaks loose as the chimps begin to revise the plan.

As that is occurring, I’ll stay focused on actually educating students and you keep being the voice of reason. Which is funny, because I remember when you used to be the radical.

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