i Readers Write... The Hidden Agenda of Choice - Part 4 - Lead Your School

In response to the post, “The Hidden Agenda of Choice – Part 1” a number of LYS readers have responded, here is a small sampling:

Good points! Thank you.

Thanks for helping me flesh out my arguments as we get ready for the legislative season.  Protecting our schools will mean keeping our communities informed.

The election is over…. Can we go back to the posts that will help with student achievement?

SC Response 1. You’re welcome. 2. Glad you found this helpful and I agree 3. Yes and no.

I don’t think we’ll be able to put the issue of vouchers to bed until the legislate goes back home in May.  But I agree, a little voucher discussion goes along way. So I will close with this.  A friend, who is an elected official, recently met with our new pro-voucher Education Commissioner.  My friend asked the Commissioner what he thought about our public schools, to which he answered, “Our public schools do a fantastic job.”

Which produced the follow-up question, “Then why the do we need vouchers?”

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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