i A Reader Writes... Consolidation - Part 3 - Lead Your School

In response to the 8/16/12 post, “Consolidation – Part 2,” a LYS
Superintendent writes:
Great response and I love your answer. But how do we overcome this
dilemma and expose the far right’s agenda and their hijacking of a political
party to the public?  
After witnessing the 15% rule fall this past spring it looks like
“Mad Mommas” are the best way to grab the legislature’s attention.
 How do we get parents to understand how public schools are being
dismantled? Like the original reader, I am frustrated. It feels like the
continuous effort to fight for public education against this hostile agenda
continues to take away from our mission of ensuring that our students learn and
that they are prepared for their future. 
SC Response
As the pendulum continues to swing to the far right I think we have
three choices.
1. Do nothing, say nothing. 
Which is the polite thing to do. 
And as a group, educators are polite, to the detriment of the
2. Assist in the push to the right. You would be surprised at the number
of educators who complain about the current situation yet continue to vote for
those causing the situation. I find this maddening.
3. Purposefully educate and communicate.  Whether we realize it or not, people look to us to explain
things.  When we do, “Mad Mommas”
get fired up.  When we do, bonds
elections are successful. When we do, good things happen for our schools.
Does this take away from the mission to educate students? Dr. Richard
Hooker would argue that as Principals and Superintendents, not leading your
public allows the mission of public schools to be determined by those who care
nothing about the welfare of children. He could not be more correct. If only I
listened to him when he first tried to teach me this back in 1992.
It boils down to this. We, as school leaders, must step up and educate
the adults in our community if our teachers are going to have a fighting chance
to educate the children in our schools.
Think. Work. Achieve.
Your turn…
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