i Readers Write... Administrator Dress Code - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the 8/15/12 post, “A LYS Reader Asks… Administrator Dress Code,” two old school LYSers weighed in, one male and one female.

From the male LYSer,


I often wear slacks and polo style shirts to work, especially in school colors.  I keep a sports coat in my office that I can don for any unexpected need.

SC Response That’s exactly how I was trained and what I did.  Using this strategy at times you may be just a little over-dressed, at other times a little under-dressed.  But you will never find yourself inappropriately dressed for any work related function.

From the female LYSer,


There are awesome administrators who disagree with your position!!  🙂

SC Response Any woman who is getting fashion advice from me has definitely come to the wrong source.  It is a much more complicated question with endless options and variables. As such, I have no problem deferring the question of female administrator professional dress to those more qualified than me; top-tier female administrators.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

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