i A Reader Writes... If We Could Just Keep Our "Friends" From Helping - Part 3 - Lead Your School

In response to the 4/10/2012 post, “If We Could Just Keep Our Friends From Helping – Part 1,” a LYS Assistant Superintendent writes:

Dead on reply, Sean!  Accountability is not at fault.  It is the “perverted” manner in which educators have allowed it to take over rather than utilizing it as a means to building relationships and having meaningful conversations not only with students but with fellow educators and communities. 

SC Response Thank you. I know this comes off like a broken record, but accountability is not the enemy.  Accountability is good for all students, great for underserved students and pushes the profession forward.  The enemies are the ideologues who use accountability to further their anti-public education agenda and those in our profession cling to the belief that just showing up to is the limit of our professional duty.  As a profession, the longer we let the issue be driven by those two camps, the more marginalized we become.

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