i A Reader Writes... Stupidity Masquerading as Reform - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the 11/9/11 post, “Stupidity Masquerading as Reform,” a LYS Teacher writes:


You are so right on the importance of observing strong, effective teachers.  I think that it provides invaluable information for administrators as they guide struggling teachers. 

Also, I always enjoyed the feedback from my observations.  It was great to be validated about the things that were going very well in my classroom.  And I was glad to have suggestions and new approaches for an even more successful classroom.  I never taught a class, or a day never went by, that I didn’t think, “How could I have been more effective?  Did the kids “get-it” or make progress today?”  Over the course of 21 years, it was rare indeed that I ever got a suggestion from an observation that I felt was off the mark.

Thanks for sharing your ideas with people who can really count!

The # 2 Birdwatcher of Kendall County… And I’m gaining on #1. 

SC Response Reading your comment and reflecting on not only your long track record of classroom success but also your role as a source for positive change and energy, I’m reminded of some research I read years ago.  Here’s the short version.  When sub-par professionals are asked to assess their level of competency, they overwhelmingly rate themselves as experts.  When asked what training they need to make themselves better, they can think of nothing of substance. There is nothing left for them to learn, they know everything worth knowing about their job.

Contrast that to the exemplar professional.  When they are asked to assess their level of competency they rate themselves as typical. When asked what training they need to make themselves better, they have a list of things that they know they have to work on.  The more they learn the more they learn that there is so much more to learn.

And yes, your citizenship in the second group is universally recognized.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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