“Students with access to educational materials on smart phones study about 40 minutes longer each week” (StudyBlue). How is that for a quote? When I ask secondary teachers what are the main hindrances to campus academic performance, the consistent answers are: A. The students don’t turn in homework. B. The students don’t study. C. The students don’t care about school. So considering the complaints of teachers and the findings of StudyBlue, if I was still a principal, how could I not encourage the use of bootleg technology on my campus? A number of you in the LYS Nation are now using your own bootleg technology devices to follow Twitter. If you haven’t done so yet, we want you to join us. To let you see what you are missing, here are the Top 10 LYS Tweets from the week of December 4, 2011, as tabulated by the accountants at Price Waterhouse. 1. School starts when the students arrive, not when the adults decide to start working. 2. You are going to have to: 1) Tell your people. 2) Show your people. 3) Monitor your people. 4) Repeat. 3. Manage the small stuff, diligently, and the big stuff never happens. 4. When you send the memo before the conversation, you are managing, not leading. 5. Shared by a high school principal, “Wow! Just finished your book. The Fundamental 5 is exactly what we need.” 6. The big shift in the US over the past 20 years is not a rise in regulations & taxation but a decline in investment. (By @FareedZakaria) 7. In Texas, we’re not closing schools due to educator mismanagement. We’re closing them due to a Rick Perry created funding deficit. 8. Districts that are concerned about not having enough computers for on-line testing are admitting that they have ignored technology infrastructure. 9. You don’t need a 1:1 environment for on-line testing. You need an adequate number of devices and a testing schedule. 10. On a new Amazon.com recommendation list for education books, The Fundamental 5, is number seven on the list. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/4ydqd4t
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation
  • Get the Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan App at the App Store – Fun 5 Plans
  • Confirmed 2012 Presentations: Region 16 ESC Leadership Academy (Keynote Address); NASSP Conference; NASB Conference