i A Reader Submits... UIL Disconnect - Part 1 - Lead Your School

A LYS Principal submits: As of this year, I have finally concluded that UIL has utterly disconnected itself from the educational process. In baseball and softball we play a determined number of pre-season games, during the school day, in the form of tournaments. Those are generally two-day, all-day tournaments that occur during a three-week period. Then we move to track. There was a time when track meets were on Saturday. Not anymore. Now we do them during the week. Thus, during the final push towards the most important contest of the year (TAKS), many of our teachers and students are at district track meets. How is that good for anyone? SC Response As you well know, in our regular debates on the topic of athletics I generally take the pro side and you take the con side. But dare I say you are at least nudging me back to center. I have always believed that a successful athletic program should serve as a supplement to the academic program. It should teach students about hard work, perseverance, sportsmanship and character. All which should make them more successful in the classroom. Personally, I learned more about how to be a leader in a huddle than I ever did in any classroom. Great Head Coaches and Athletic Directors understand this. Unfortunately, great is a rare commodity. Thus, a number of athletic programs are focused solely on wins, instant gratification and adult needs. My advice is that as a principal, it is your responsibility to advocate for the academic program as aggressively as the head coach /AD advocates for the athletic program. Because if you won’t, no one else will. Plus, I can’t remember a time when I saw a coach stand beside a principal and take responsibility for taking students and teachers out of the classroom when campus accountability scores took a hit. But I want to know, Ol’ Ball Coach and E. Don Brown, what do you think?
Think. Work. Achieve.
Your turn…
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