i A Reader Submits... Don't Be a Martyr - Lead Your School

A LYS Principal submits the following: Earlier this summer, I had a meeting with a gentleman that I had little respect for when I first met him last September. But, by January, it was obvious that he brought more to the table than was first apparent in our initial meetings. You have to know me to know how much that means, but we will leave that alone for now. At our June meeting this man was sincerely in distress because he felt he had failed my students, my school, and me. You see, this man was assigned to my school because we had missed AYP, several times. This man looked me in the eyes and said, “I failed you.” The truth, my friend? Without TPM, the school I took over had little chance of making AYP this past year. This year our jump to meet AYP is nearly 30%! Guess what? The deck is stacked against us again. Welcome to our world. My point is, this man I respect has placed himself upon a cross, a cross that he did not create. Removing TPM removed a padding of somewhere between 10% and 15%, depending on which sub-pop was reviewed. This man I respect can offer a lot to education, but now considers himself a failure because of the details of a failed accountability system. My advice? Get off of your cross; you have been up there long enough. Get down here with the rest of us and help us fix these problems. We need all hands on deck. SC Response This is what trips people up. Rapid improvement in student and campus performance is possible. But that doesn’t always mean that you get off the schnide in year one. It is on the struggling campus where the Stockdale Paradox is best observed in education settings. There are those who believe the task is impossible. These people are a cancer to the organization, but it does not mean that they are bad people. However, these cancers need to be neutralized or excised. There are the Pollyanna’s that believe that everything can be fixed overnight, with just a positive attitude and a little elbow grease. These people get their heart broke by the lack of immediate success or they are overwhelmed once they realize the enormity of the task. It is those, like you and the old school LYS’ers, who understand that the task is enormous. But as long as we do the right thing every day, as we get bettter at executing the Foundation Trinity and Fundamental Five, we will eventually succeed. Not tomorrow, but sooner than can reasonably be expected, in discrete, measurable chunks. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn… Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/4ydqd4t Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation