i The Same Question From Three Different Perspectives - Lead Your School

I recently had three (almost back to back) conversations with three different educators that revolved around the same theme – what’s next? A LYS teacher, who has been working very hard to integrate the Fundamental Five into her daily practice asked what she should work on next year. My answer, the Fundamental Five, but with greater frequency and quality. As she continues to work on these practices, her execution will shift from explicit to implicit. At that point, for the teacher, the whole classroom dynamic will seemingly slow down allowing her to recognize and react to changes in student behavior and performance that were previously invisible. This is the path to Jordanesque expertise. Later that day, an LYS Assistant Principal asked what he needed to do to get a principalship. He has a great reputation and phenomenal leadership skills. And like any ambitious AP he is itching to occupy the big chair. My advice to him was to quit being picky. Opportunity has now knocked on his door twice but the job wasn’t “perfect.” If you wait for the perfect job (the right school, in the right town, at the right time) you could be waiting for a long time. And the assistant principal that takes the less than perfect job that you will not has just leapt over you. Now he or she is accruing actual command experience, instead of thinking or talking about it. And ironically, making him or herself a better candidate for that “perfect job” that you are waiting for. The next day a Principal mentioned to me that she wanted to for LYS and what did she need to do. The answer I think surprised her. I told her that LYS coaches are vetted and then invited to join the company. The vetting process is simple. First, you have to have a track record of significantly outperforming your peers. Second, you have to bring something unique to the team. Or as E. Don Brown constantly reminds us, “If you can’t bring something new to the table, don’t come.” Simple put, this means is that you have to be successful, innovative and people have to follow you. If you meet the vetting criteria, then you have to live in the philosophy of LYS; students first, always coach, and go to the problem. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn… Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/4ydqd4t Louise ISD is searching for a Superintendent. Application details at www.LeadYourSchool.com A Central Texas School District is searching for an Assistant Superintendent. Application details at www.LeadYourSchool.com Follow Sean Cain on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation Upcoming Event / Presentation Schedule June 15, TASSP – Improve Now! June 16, TASSP – Conference Breakfast, hosted by E. Don Brown (LYS travel tumblers for the first 1000 attendees, last year we ran out) June 16, TASSP – Book Release Event for “The Fundamental 5” June 16, TASSP – The Fundamental 5 June 16, TASSP – Tech Tools for the 2.0 Principal June 17, TASSP – PowerWalks June 18 – TASB Conference, Fort Worth