i A Reader Writes... (Poisonous Staff - Part 7) - Lead Your School

In response to the 2/10/2011 post, “Poisonous Staff – Part 5,” a LYS Assistant Principal writes: Expectations and expertise must be visible in an assistant principal as well. I hold myself to high standards and knowledge. I constantly want to learn what I don’t know or haven’t experienced. When an individual holds themselves to such high standards, the leadership of the principal and assistant principal is at its best. SC Response I know that the principal that wrote the comment that you are responding to wasn’t disparaging assistant principals. My interpretation was that it is to be expected that APs might have some difficulty explaining the “what and why” for many decisions due both a lack of experience and lack of access. But principals aren’t afforded that crutch, even if it is valid. Which is why the principalship is different. But that doesn’t let APs off the hook. More than any other position in education, the AP job is all about sorting. Principals and central office are constantly evaluating who is effective, efficient, a problem solver, a hard worker, a team player, etc. APs that look for ways to continue to grow, distinguish themselves, network effectively and add value to their team get promoted over APs that don’t do those things. The fact that you hold yourself to a high standard is why you were a candidate for your current job. The key is to keep pushing yourself to get better, make sure that your teachers and students are successful and don’t turn down the opportunities that are not quite perfect. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…Follow Sean Cain at www.Twitter.com/LYSNation.Coming Soon! “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction” www.TheFundamentalFive.comPlan to attend the LYS presentations at TASSP and TASB in June