i Top LYS Tweets from the Week of March 20, 2011 - Lead Your School

1:1 computers is the stated goal of a lot of schools right now. I would argue that is that is your goal that you are looking in the wrong direction. Instead, I believe that the goal should be 1:1 connectivity. Every student with on-line access with some sort of device. In fact, I would not be surprised if the laptop I’m working on right now is the last computer I buy. I already conduct most of my work on my I-Phone and I-Pad. It would not take much to make a 100% conversion. Embrace bootleg technology now. A number of you in the LYS Nation are now using bootleg technology devices to follow Twitter. If you haven’t done so yet, we want you to join us. To let you see what you are missing, here are the Top 10 LYS Tweets from the week of March 20th, as tabulated by the accountants at Price Waterhouse. 1. (A composite of 2 posts announcing awards for LYS Schools) LYS Schools that are Title I Performance Award winners: Duryea ES (CFISD), Hairgrove ES (CFISD), Bush ES (GPISD), Dickinson ES (GPISD), Whitt ES (GPISD), Moseley ES (GPISD), and Moore ES (GPISD). Hooray!!! 2. (A composite of 3 posts announcing awards for LYS Schools) LYS Schools that are Title I Progress Award winners: Lee ES (CFISD), Bowie ES (GPISD), Marshall ES (GPISD), and Shultze ES (IISD). Hooray!!! 3. LYS elementary campuses are in the performance business. And business is good! 4. A Boston principal believes that visiting classrooms 10 times a year makes her more effective. LYS principals believe that “year” must be a typo. 5. Sunday run thought: How is the systematic dismantling of social support and services moral, just, or Christian? 6. On a campus that posts the daily learning objectives for each core subject (by grade level) on the common area bulletin board. Awesome! 7. At a juvenile facility (and LYS school). In Ms. Ibrahim’s class I saw: Power Zone, Purposeful Talk, Recognition and Reinforcement, Writing Critically and smiling students!!! 8. LYS Principal, Jessica Mutale is on fire! She just created another PowerWalks report that I didn’t know was possible. The student has surpassed the master. 9. In a middle school classroom without any computers. 10 students asked if they could bring their I-pads. Teacher answer was “NO.” The kids are ready. Embrace bootleg technology. 10. A teacher reports that students reading and writing texts in class distracts from her reading and writing instruction. Slice of irony, anyone? Think. Work. Achieve.Your turn…Follow Sean Cain on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation