i A Reader Writes... (Yes, I Know the Hours are Long - Part 15) - Lead Your School

In response to the 11/8/2010 post, “Yes, I Know the Hours are Long – Part 3,” a Principal writes: It’s called grading at soccer practice, ballet practice, reading together as an example of someone enjoying a book, or like my best friends’ mom said, “bury me in my natural position…behind the wheel of a car.” SC Response As your examples remind us, effective teachers are experts at multi-tasking. Which is why dialogue is so important. When we work in silos, yes we have systems and routines, but there is no guarantee that they are the best systems and routines. I think that logically, we all understand this. But when we address our own systems and routines, one person is engaged in a logical discussion, the other an emotional one. Which is why as leaders, it is imperative that we repeat our message constantly. By doing so, we have a better chance of catching people after the waves of emotion have subsided. The recognition of the logical / emotional components of difficult conversations also helps you better deal with people. If I miss the fact that the other person is in a different kind of conversation then I get mad and hold grudges. Recognize when the response is emotional and not personal and you will get more work of substance accomplished on your campus. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…Visit the LYS Booth at the TASA Mid-winter Conference